Welcome to Saint Anthony Cathedral Abbey                                   

                               St. Anthony Serving God's People since 1857                             

 Since 2010 The Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ

 Peace and Unity among all Churches 

The Christian Church is Ecumenical in Nature

 All people of good will are welcome means inclusive 

    Christus Vincit                     Christus Regnat            Christus Imperat

Renewed daily - A ministry of Hope through Christ Jesus - No matter what.

Jesus walking with the refugees and migrants, a painting in our Church, is a constant reminder for all of us Christians and people of good will that his mission on earth started with his inaugural address to the world:  “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”  Luke 4: 14-21

Prayers and Peace for World, especially for Ukraine, Africa and the Middle East

Come and Celebrate

With our Faith Family 
  All people of good will are welcome, and we mean it.

We are an inclusive and affirming 

Ecumenical Congregation 

of Catholics and Protestants,

of Seekers and Believers, 
we embrace innovation 
and open-minded conversation.
All created equal by our loving God 
who empowers us to be a

Community of Faith, Hope

Love and Peace. 

We want to put our beliefs into
action in all aspects of Life.

Mission Statement

The Inclusive Cathedral Family of Saint Anthony is Centered in Christ, Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Anchored in the Holy Bible, And Nourished by the Sacraments. 
In our Liturgical and Community Services we shall advance the Peaceful and continued Building of the Kingdom of God. Our Ecumenical Relationships with other Church Denominations, we celebrate Church Unity to the Glory of our loving God. We Proclaim, Witness, and Share the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Please help us in our service for the poor and to maintain this beautiful Edifice of God. 

Thank you from the bottom of out hearts!

You can also donate through Zelle:      Using our email: 



Mail it to:

Cathedral of St. Anthony

5247 Sheridan Street, Detroit, MI 48213


The New Order of St. Francis &  St. Clair:

New Order 

Cathedral Sunday Mass live 11:00 AM USA Eastern Standard Time:


Visit of the famous historical Glass Stained Windows, Visit the link below:

 Michigan Stained Glass Census



WBCQ The Planet

Biblical Perspectives WBCQ 7490 Short Wave Radio. 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time North America and around the World.

Here are some music videos from Holy Week demonstrating the beautiful acoustic the Cathedral has.

St. Anthony of Padua 

Patron of our Cathedral

Beloved St. Anthony of Padua, Patron of the lost and Faithful son of St. Francis, intercede for me as I walk through this world seeking the will of God for my life and the peace that comes from surrendering myself into His loving arms. Beseech Our Lord, whom you briefly held here on earth and who now holds you eternally, to restore all that has been lost in my life and all that sin has taken from me. Please pray for me that I might be set on fire for the beauty of the Word of God as you were and that the words of the Lord Jesus Christ be my very life's breath. Help me, O dear Saint Anthony, to lose myself in the eternal embrace of the Holy Trinity and so be found in the love that enlivens the heavens.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen

St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;

to be understood as to understand;

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

St. Clare

O glorious Saint Clare!

God has given you the power of working miracles continually, and the favor of answering the prayers of those who invoke your assistance in misfortune, anxiety, and distress; we beseech you, obtain for us from Jesus, through Mary, His Blessed Mother, what we beg of you so fervently and hopefully, if it be for the greater honor and glory of God and for the good of our souls.

Saint Clare Pray For Us!


Think about, we are all the human family and in need of Love, not hatred. May we all understand the ultimate source of our Existence that we are created equal by a loving God.

Contact us!

We invite you to read about us, and prayerfully consider if this just might be a "calling" for you to grow spiritually in Christ Jesus, our Savior.

If so... Please write us today with any questions you may have or to request an inquirers enrollment application.