The Church must be concerned not just with herself and her relationship of union with God, but with human beings as they really are today.
(Saint Pope Paul VI. concluding the Second Vatican Council, December 1965)
More than by fear of going astray, my hope is that we will be moved by the fear of remaining shut up within structures which give us a false sense of security, within rules which make us harsh judges, within habits which make us feel safe, while at our door people are starving.
Pope Francis
“A proposal of goals without an adequate communal search for the means of achieving them will inevitably prove illusory. The important thing is to not walk alone, but to rely on each other as brothers and sisters, especially under the leadership of the bishops, in a wise and realistic pastoral discernment" (EG. n.33)
Pope Francis
(The Christian faithful) have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful. (Canon 212, 3)
The Church or people of God . . . fosters and takes to itself, insofar as they are good, the ability, riches and customs in which the genius of each people expresses itself.
(Vatican II, Lumen Gentium 13)
It is necessary to take seriously believers’ sense of faith, precisely with regard to our current topic. We here in the Consistory are all celibates; most of the faithful, however, live out their belief in the gospel of the family in concrete families and sometimes in difficult situations. Therefore, we should listen to their witness and also listen to what pastoral coworkers and counselors in pastoral care to families have to say to us. And they do have something to say to us.
Walter Cardinal Kasper at the Consistory, February 2014
Holy Tradition testifies that when the Apostles departed from Jerusalem to preach to all the ends of the earth, then Mary Magdalene also went with them. A daring woman, whose heart was full of reminiscence of the Resurrection, she went beyond her native borders and went to preach in pagan Rome. Everywhere she proclaimed to people about Christ and His teaching. When many did not believe that Christ is risen, she repeated to them what she had said to the Apostles on the radiant morning of the Resurrection: “I have seen the Lord!” With this message she went all over Italy.
Tradition relates that in Italy Mary Magdalene visited Emperor Tiberias (14-37 A.D.) and proclaimed to him Christ’s Resurrection. According to Tradition, she brought him a red egg as a symbol of the Resurrection, a symbol of new life with the words: “Christ is Risen!” Then she told the emperor that in his Province of Judea the unjustly condemned Jesus the Galilean, a holy man, a miracle worker, powerful before God and all mankind, had been executed at the instigation of the Jewish High Priests, and the sentence confirmed by the procurator appointed by Tiberias, Pontius Pilate.
Mary repeated the words of the Apostles, that we are redeemed from the vanity of life not with perishable silver or gold, but rather by the precious Blood of Christ.
Thanks to Mary Magdalene the custom to give each other paschal eggs on the day of the Radiant Resurrection of Christ spread among Christians over all the world. In one ancient Greek manuscript, written on parchment, kept in the monastery library of St Athanasius near Thessaloniki, is a prayer read on the day of Holy Pascha for the blessing of eggs and cheese. In it is indicated that the igumen in passing out the blessed eggs says to the brethren: “Thus have we received from the holy Fathers, who preserved this custom from the very time of the holy Apostles, therefore the holy Equal of the Apostles Mary Magdalene first showed believers the example of this joyful offering.”
Mary Magdalene continued her preaching in Italy and in the city of Rome itself. Evidently, the Apostle Paul has her in mind in his Epistle to the Romans (16: 6), where together with other ascetics of evangelic preaching he mentions Mary (Mariam), who as he expresses “has bestowed much labor on us.” Evidently, she extensively served the Church in its means of subsistence and its difficulties, being exposed to dangers, and sharing with the Apostles the labors of preaching.
According to Church Tradition, she remained in Rome until the arrival of the Apostle Paul, and for two more years following his departure from Rome after the first court judgment upon him. From Rome, St Mary Magdalene, already bent with age, moved to Ephesus where the holy Apostle John unceasingly labored. There the saint finished her earthly life and was buried.
Her holy relics were transferred in the ninth century to Constantinople, and placed in the monastery Church of St Lazarus. In the era of the Crusader campaigns they were transferred to Italy and placed at Rome under the altar of the Lateran Cathedral. Part of the relics of Mary Magdalene are said to be in Provace, France near Marseilles, where over them at the foot of a steep mountain a splendid church is built in her honor.
Yet, we are not promoting total theological faddism (because not all the latest possibilities of modern thoughts are superior or normative to good Christian tradition of faith and life, and its understanding of reality).
Such thinking has become the going thought in some independent catholic churches, because of their ministers' inadequate theological and biblical education, and lack of spiritual formation.
Our Cathedral Abbey of St. Anthony is also the headquarter of the worldwide Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ, and the New Order of St. Francis and St. Clare.We are present in the five global continents and share an ecumenical perspective to our diverse and good Catholic Traditions. As we strife for Unity among the different Catholic Rites and Christian Churches, our members are Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Episcopalians, Orthodox, Old Catholics, Lutherans, and Christians of other denominations as well.
Yes, there are more "Catholic Rites" besides the Roman Catholic Rite in the world, like the Eastern Orthodox Catholics, the Anglican Catholics, Greek Catholics, Ukrainian Catholics, Polish National Catholics, Coptic Catholics, Ecumenical Catholics, Old Catholics, Chaldean, Maronite, Episcopalians, St. Thomas Christians in India, Melkite, etc. Please see also list of Orthodox and Independent Catholic Churches below.**
Remember when we pray the Nicene Creed, we pray, "...We believe in the On Holy Catholic And Apostolic Church", this we do in a Spirit of Unity. No one prays, "We believe in the One Holy Roman Catholic Church" The Roman Rite together with all other Catholic Rites and Christian Churches, are part of the "ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH."
If you come from a Western Roman Catholic heritage, you will find very little difference from the worship and liturgy you are familiar with. We celebrate the seven sacraments. All of our bishops can trace their apostolic succession back to the Apostles, the same as the major Catholic Rites.
We invite you, "Taste and See" for yourself The Ecumenical Catholic experience of faith in action. Let us pray:
Lord, we remember times when we felt out of place,
- among people wealthier or better educated than ourselves;
- when we returned to church after staying away for many years;
- because we were not as successful as our brothers and sisters;
- in a strange country where no one understood what we said.
It was like when the Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come to Jerusalem
gathered around Jesus and noticed that his disciples
were eating without first washing their hands.
We too were made to feel that we were unclean
because we did not respect the traditions of the elders.
We thank you that you sent someone like Jesus who protected us
- one of our parents, an uncle, an aunt or a grandparent,
- a teacher or community leader,
- a friend who understood what we were going through,
- a book that touched us.
They taught us that what counts in life are the things that come from within,
these are the things that make us unclean.
We were able then to recognize what is merely custom
and in fact keeps people far from the truth of themselves.
Lord, forgive us members of your Church because we have and still focus on being loyal member of your Church only keeping its laws,
while we have put aside your first and only commandment of universal love and compassion, and therefore we keep ignoring sexism, racism, elitism, homophobia, cultural imperialism and religious intolerance, all these evil things which come from within the worst of the human heart and make humanity unclean.
Lord, we thank you for sending us always great people of our times, so we can see again:
Church discipline had become a reinforcing tool to the false values of our culture
- laws on divorce and remarriage were weighted against deprived families;
- liturgical rules reinforced the superiority of Western culture;
- seminary studies did not reverence traditional religions of Africa and Asia;
- sexual morality favored men,
-pretentiousness is being used against minorities,
- the laity were deprived of our teachings on mysticism.
Professor Bernard Haring, Hans Kueng, and other prophetic figures were the presence of Jesus among us, showing that judgements were being passed by an elite, isolated from the reality of people's experiences like the Pharisees and scribes coming down from Jerusalem.
What were called the customs of the elders were rules concerned with external cleanliness which the humble could not live up to.
And, yes, sometimes doctrines were put forward as if they came from You when in fact they were only human regulations; your commandment of universal love was put aside.
We thank you that Jesus was in them, calling your Church to listen - all of us -
and understand that nothing which comes to us from outside can make us unclean;
only the things that come from our hearts make us unclean
Lord, we pray that in our parishes and our liturgies
we will give every opportunity to the marginalized,
- allow those without much education to read!
- that our sisters and brothers in the LGBT know that they are not just welcomed,
but that we affirm them among us with our love and friendship!-ensure that foreigners will not remain strangers to us!
In this way we will not honor you only with lip service but our hearts will be close to you, our worship will be precious to you, and we will be following your teachings, not mere human regulations.
Lord, your Will is that we should live with people very different from us
- those of other religions
- ancestral cultures of Africa, Asia, and Latin America,
- different ethnic groups
- the world of high technology
- the youth culture of today
-people of different orientations.
Help us not to become like Pharisees and scribes coming to Galilee from Jerusalem, noticing how others do things differently from us.
Help us to discern what in our culture is merely human regulations
which do not make anyone clean or unclean,
so that we will repent of paying only lip service to the lofty principles we proclaim
and recognize that so much of what we call holy is worthless
and that many of what we call doctrines are only human regulations.
Lord, we thank you that in our time
the Bible has become once more the soul of your Church's theology,
enabling us to recognize that many of what we called biblical doctrines
were no more than human regulations.
Lord, we thank you for moments of deep prayer
when you showed us clearly that the laws we were breaking
did not make us unclean because they were only human regulations,
that we could go beyond them and find our purity of heart.
Spiegazione dello stemma Internazionale della ECCC Si è ricavato dalla lettera agli Efesini 1:10 ed esprime il desiderio della nostra chiesa a lottare per l'unità fra tutte le chiese con la preghiera e i dialogo aperto. Sul fondo dello stemma compare il simbolo di Cristo, Christos (le due lettere dal greco, Chi e Rho, che significa "Cristo"). Cristo, anche l'Alfa e l'Omega (inizio e fine). Il Figlio di Dio, che porta salvezza, è colui che invita tutte le persone su questa terra (si guardi la parte superiore dello stemma) a tornare a Dio, il creatore dell'Universo. La banda dei fleur de lis, ( fiore del giglio), un segno araldico di innocenza mediante il quale Cristo opera attraverso di noi in tutto il mondo come si vede nella metà superiore dello stemma. In cima allo stemma si vede al centro il segno della croce per indicare che siamo salvati attraverso il sacrificio di Gesù Cristo sulla croce; sul lato sinistro e destro vediamo le mani in preghiera che simboleggiano il culto di tutte le persone che insieme unite con Cristo al centro lo lodano per la nostra salvezza. Sopra vediamo lo Spirito Santo che ha dato alla luce la chiesa, e per mezzo dello Spirito Santo la Chiesa ha sperimentato le riforme nel corso dei secoli. L'Alba è il segno dell’ "aggiornamento" (l'alba di un nuovo giorno) che Papa Giovanni XXIII ha proclamato, ci incoraggia a leggere i segni dei tempi.
Old Catholic Church in Europe - Mt Revd Robert C McBride CSJV
Christian Catholic Church Canada - Bishop S A Theriault
North American Old Roman Catholic Church - Mt Revd Joseph Andrew Vellone
Old Roman Catholic Church in North America - Mt Revd Francis P Facione
Old Catholic Church of America - Mt Revd James E Bostwick
Eglise Vielle-Catholicque Mariavite – Mt Revd Zdzizlaw M W Jaworski
Polish National Catholic Church - Mt Revd Robert M Nemkovich
Catholic Apostolic National Church (ICAB) - Mt Revd Luis Fernando Castillo Mendez
Catholic Apostolic National Church (USA) - Mt Revd Robert M Gubala SCR
Eglise Sainte Marie at Mont-Saint-Aignan - Mt Revd Maurice Cantor
Independent Catholic Alliance - (exOCCGB) Mt Revd Phillip R Kemp
International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church - Mt Revd Randolph Adler
International Communion of the Charismatic Church - Mt Revd Randolph W Sly
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (SCOBA) - Bishop Philip Saliba
Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America (SCOBA) - Mt Revd Ilia of Philomelion
American Orthodox Catholic Church - Mt Revd Nikon
American Orthodox Church - Mt Revd Joseph Thaddeus OSB
American World Patriarchates - Mt Revd Emigidiusz Jerzy Ryzy
Armenian Orthodox Church - Mt Revd Torkom Manoogian
Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church (SCOBA) - Metropolitan Joseph
Carpatho Russian Orthodox Diocese in the USA (SCOBA) - Metropolitan Nicholas of Amissos
Catholic Assyrian Church of the East - HH Mar Dikha IV
Celtic Orthodox Christian Church - Mt Revd Maelruain, Cele De
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople - HH Bartholomew
Eglise Orthodoxe de France - Mgr Germain
Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church - Mt Revd Mor Titus Yeldho Pathickal
Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece (Old Calendar) - Mt Revd Chrysostomos II
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (SCOBA) - Mt Revd Demetrios
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Aleppo - HE Paul (Rami) Yazigi
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia - HE Stylianos
Greek Orthodox Church - HB Christodoulos of Athens & All Greece
Greek Orthodox Church of Cyprus - unkown
Greek Orthodox Church in France - HB Emmanuel of France
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa - HB Theodoros II
Old Catholic Orthodox Church - Mt Revd Jorge Rodriquez-Villa
Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania - Mt Revd Anastasios
Orthodox Church in America (SCOBA) - Mt Revd Herman
Orthodox Church of Estonia - HB Stephanos of Tallinn & All Estonia
Orthodox Church of Finland - Mt Revd Leo of Karelia
Orthodox Church in New Zealand - HB Amphilochios (Grk/EcP)
Patriarchate of Antioch & the East - HH Ignatius Zakka I Iwas
Patriarchate of Moscow & All Russia - HH Alexy II
Romanian Orthodox Church - HB Teoctist
Romanian Orthodox Diocese in America & Canada (SCOBA) - Mt Revd Nicolae
Serbian Orthodox Church - HH Pavle
Serbian Orthodox Church USA (SCOBA) - Metropolitan Christopher
Traditional Orthodox Christian Church - Mt Revd Seraphim
Ukranian Orthodox Church - unknown
Ukranian Orthodox Church USA (SCOBA) - Mt Revd Constantine of Irinoupolis (+)
SCOBA - Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America
American Anglican Church - Bishop John A Herzog
Anglican Catholic Church in Australia (TAC) - Bishop John Hepworth
Anglican Catholic Church of Canada (TAC) - Bishop Peter D Wilkinson OSG
Anglican Catholic Church in Central America & Mexico (TAC) - Bishop Ruben Rodriquez M
Anglican Catholic Church Original Province - Bishop Mark Haverland
Anglican Church in America (TAC) - Bishop Louis W Falk
Presiding Bishop Norman Sydney Dutton
AIC America - Bishop John Walter Gains CJ
AIC Australia - Vicar General V. Revd Dom Peter M McInnes OSB
AIC Caribbean - Rt Revd Abbot Colin Tatem
AIC East Africa - Bishop Eliud Wasike Milimo
AIC Great Britain - Bishop Norman S Dutton
AIC Latin America - Bishop Ricardo Lorite de Lima CJ
AIC India - Bishop N Victor Amrutha Rao
AIC Pakistan - Bishop S David
AIC West Africa - Bishop Solomon O Okoro
Anglican Independent Communion Inc. - Bishop Robert S Loisell
Anglican Province of America - Bishop Walter Grundorf
Anglican Province of Christ the King - Bishop Robert Sherwood Morse
Anglican Rite Catholic Church - Bishop Matthew Smith
Anglican Rite Old Catholic Church - Bishop Louis N Bernhardt OSA
Church of Torres Strait (TAC) - Bishop Tolowa Nona
Continuing Anglican Communion in Zambia (TAC) - Bishop Trevor Rhodes (Episcopal Visitor)
Episcopal Missionary Church - Bishop William Millsaps
Independent Anglican Communion (Canada) - Bishop Peter W Goodrich
Southern Episcopal Church USA - Bishop Huron C Manning Jr
TAC New Zealand - Canon Ian Woodman
Traditional Anglican Church UK (TAC) - Bishop David Moyer (Episcopal Visitor)
United Anglican Church USA - Bishop Norman F Strauss A.CSSS
United Episcopal Church of North America - Bishop Stephen C Weber
American Catholic Church International - Bishop Sharon DiSunno
American Catholic Church Nevada - see UACC below
American Old Catholic Church (Apostolic-Episcopal) - Bishop Leonard T Polomski Sr
Ancient Apostolic Communion - Bishop Anthony I
Apostolic Catholic Church - Bishop Chuck Leigh
Apostolic Catholic Church in America - Bishop David Strong
Spiritis Church - Bishop Christopher J Hegarty
Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch, Malabar Rite - Bishop Meri Louise Spruit
Catholic Apostolic Church in North America - Bishop Anthony F Santore FCR
Catholic Church of America - Bishop Thomas E Abel
Christ's Apostolic Old Catholic Church of the Americas (The Polish Old Catholic Rite of North America) - Bishop George J Drozd
Ecumenical Catholic Communion - Bishop Peter Hickman
Ecumenical Catholic Church USA - Bishop David Mark Kocka
American Old Catholic Church - Bishop Dan Gincig
The American Catholic Orthodox Church. (Bishop Owen Augustine)American Catholic Church - Bishop Peter Hickman
The Anglican Church of the United States (Bishop Heron Sam)
The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches (Bishop Mike Owen)
The Ecumenical Catholic Church (Bishop Ivo Verbeeck)
The Free Catholic Communion (Bishop Michael Milner)
Eglise Catholique Eucharistique Canada - Bishop J Roger LaRade
Eucharistic Catholic Church USA - Bishop Robert Mary Clement
Eparchy of the Order of St Benedict
Eparchy of Free Methodist-Episcopal Missions
Order of Servant Franciscans
Order of St Patrick
Eparchy of Servant Franciscans of the Immaculata
Evangelical Orthodox (Old) Catholic Church - Bishop Perry Sills
Free Catholic Church of Europe - no details
Free Catholic Church USA - no details
Heartland Old Catholic Church - Bishop James R Judd
Independent Catholic Church of England & Wales - no details
International Free Catholic Communion - Bishop Michael Milner
Independent Old Catholic Church of America - Bishop George Le Mesurier
Liberal Catholic Church International - Bishop Charles W Finn
Liberal Catholic Church Province of the USA - Bishop William S H Downey
Old Catholic Church of Canada - Bishop Patricia Davies
Old Catholic Church of Great Britain - Bishop Gary Beaver
Old Catholic Church - Matthew Succession - unknown
Old Catholic Church of North America - Bishop Paul Combs
Traditional Roman Catholic Church - Bishop Anthony Earl-Williams
National Catholic Church of America - Bishop Richard G. Roy
United American Catholic Church UACC - Bishop Anthony Hash pdf
United Catholic Church - Bishop Robert Bowman
Oud-Katholieke Kerk van Nederland.(Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands)
Altkatholische Kirche in der Schweiz.(Old Catholic Church in Switzerland)
Église in Deutscland.(Old Catholic Church in Germany)
Alt-katholische Kirche Österreichs.(Old Catholic Church of Austria)
Église Vielle-Catholique de France. *(Old Catholic Church of France), Gammalkatolska Kyrkan i Sverige. (Old Catholic Church in Sweden)
Starokatolická Církev v Ceske Republice. (Old Catholic Church of the Czech Republic)
Starokcatoliká Církev na Slovensku *(Old Catholic Church of Slovakia), Starkokatolicka Crkva u Jugoslavij. (Old Catholic Church of Croatia)
Chiesa Christiana Cattolica. *(Italian Catholic Christian Church)
Kosciol polskokatolicki (Old Catholic Church of Poland)
Staro-Katolicki Koskiól Mariawitów. (Old Catholic Church of the Mariavites - Polish and French Provinces)
Anglican Communion - Archbishop Rowan Williams of Canterbury
Episcopal Church of the USA - Bishop Katherine Schori
United Episcopal Church UK - Bishop Richard Arthur Palmer
American Apostolic Catholic Church - Bishop Vince Lavieri
Anticohian Catholic Church in America - Bishop Michael Herron
Apostolic Episcopal Church Anglican Rite - Bishop Donald P Weeks OSB
Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church in Canada & the Americas - unknown
North American Orthodox Church - Rev Fr Abbot +Gregori SSJt
Romanian Greek-Catholic Church - unknown