Church Bulletin

From our Church Family - A thought for the Week 

Nativity of our Lord and Savior, A. D. 2024

Hodie Christus Natus est! Alleluja, Alleluja

Peace and greetings on this Holy Day of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

         Sending you, your loved ones and all whom you serve for the Kingdom of God, a blessed and joyous Christmas Season. May the Joy over the Birth of Christ Jesus bring you all the Grace of God's unending Love.

      All of us are called to pray for a more peaceful world as we watch the horrors of ravaging wars in the Ukraine, in Gaza, in Sudan and in so many conflict ridden places around the world. Our thoughts are with so many innocent people who are being slaughtered

 in front of our eyes, the powerlessness we feel as the world is responding with reluctance towards the menace of Tyrants and their followers that have no respect for life at all.

      The prophecy of old has warned us of all this and yet we live as it is not bothering us. We do need to urge the free world to act in midst of such atrocities being committed and work toward a more peaceful world.

     We face the horrendous effects of climate change as storms grow bigger, ocean sea levels rising, people in the Islands are fleeing to higher grounds...We are being reminded to be good stewards of this our temporary earthly home and not destroyers. 

      The widening of a social egotistic world, the lack of a well formed consciousness, the neglect for a sense of community and the common good brings forth all the negative energy that we see all around us and that we really don't want. 

      As faith communities we are more than ever called to bring Hope to a world of "no future". The light that shines forth from the Newborn King in Bethlehem brings this hope towards us creating within us the longing for Love, Peace and Justice.

      May we see in the humility of the Holy family -who had no place to go as Mary was in labor, and became refugees because of the menace of the selfish king Herod...- our own way of a new calling. "The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is Humility" wrote St. Vincent de Paul. This is what millions and millions of Christians lived by throughout the centuries. 

May we rediscover the same essential Christian attitude, and lay down the destructive weapons of a false pride, the constant wanting of more and not sharing with others who have nothing, the delusion as there is no afterlife, and the list goes on...

I wish you all for the New Year 2025, Peace and Health and your continuous humble and faithful journey with Jesus.

With my benedictions and prayers,

